My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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I have found some seriously colourful places lately – you know… the kind of amazingness that you see in full sunshine that makes your eyes water? That kind of colourful. So, instead of spacing them out with more neutral images like I normally do I’ve decided to hit you with them all at once (or… a selection, anyway!). On a side note – twice in the last week (ish) I’ve been standing in the middle of the road taking a photo and had to wave cars past – one actually blew their horn at me! This may not seem all that an impressive feat, but for a scaredy-cat like me… it must mean I really wanted that photo.


There was a time when I was quite seriously concerned that I would end up with more photographs in 2014 (when I wasn’t working on a project) than I did in 2013. To be honest – I thought I was completely safe from that figure until I checked five minutes ago – 2013 gave me a whopping 6,894 images, and so far in 2014 I’m up to 5,642. Thank goodness for large hard drives. I think I can safely say that the calibre has improved from way back in the early days! I printed six (well… seven, including the final few) books from all those photos, so I’m a bit terrified what the end of this year will bring. I’m just going to hope my skills of culling have improved.


I had one of those moments a couple of days ago that really reminded me just how much my silly little project is now well and truly embedded in my life… and I’m still deciding if it is a good or a bad thing! My husband and I were discussing the things we needed to get done over the weekend – one of which required a little bit of DIY. His suggestion that we pay a visit to a large green and red hardware store was quickly followed with ‘…and you could take some photos while we are over there!’ For some reason that place gives me a massive headache every. single. time. and therefore I must (read: do!) need some bribery to get me to visit. I guess it kinda worked, because we went, I took 3 photos… and got a massive headache. The jury is still out on if it was worth it or not.


This is a very unexciting ‘after’ photo – definitely a scenario where I preferred the original! It is the side wall of a restaurant – same restaurant as previous but they obviously had a (boring!) renovation. You almost need to take my word for the fact that this is the same place… I’m saved by the change in concrete types on the right, I think – as strange as I may be in the way I look at things, I surely don’t go around comparing different pieces of sidewalk!


14/03/13 ~ 2:00pm

08/11/14 ~ 3:01pm

I quite regularly drive past somewhere that catches my eye and then get caught up in the internal debate of wondering if it’s worth me going back or not – you’d think after so many missed opportunities that stick with me forever (yeah, that’s my glorious memory for you) there would only be one answer. There should only be one answer the majority of the time, but for some reason that doesn’t always happen. Missed another amazing place this week – it’s now covered in signage, and I’m kicking myself. That said, I’ve driven past some (nearly all!) of the places below more than once and thought to myself I should stop and take a photo – and now I finally have, I feel a rather strange mix of satisfaction and relief. I have no idea how I ended up this way, I promise! (that’s a lie. I know full well how – 365 days of repetition had a fair bit to do with it!)


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