My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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My blog post sadly got lost when I went to post it, and I have no recollection of what I said… which brings me to the conclusion that it obviously wasn’t that important! I’m going to be playing catch-up for weeks and weeks I think, so I’ll leave it at this.

… and we’re back in Brisbane! I think I’ve been to the location of the first photo at least three times previously to photograph that wall, but there’s always someone there. Seriously, who on earth lines up outside a hardware store waiting for it to open on a Sunday morning?! Some people are way too keen. Well – in hindsight… I’ve been there waiting to take a photo, so maybe I’m the strange one. Maybe it’s a little more than maybe. On a side note – that is actually what the colours look like – no photoshop trickery going on, they’re really that vibrant! The purple wall is brand spankingly new being purple as well… this is much nicer that what it used to be, and I was very thankful for an interesting shadow to give it some sort of contrast. I can’t wait for that tree to be in flower – the flowers will be yellow, and that colour contrast will be heaven! Different kind of angle for me compared to normal – I’m working (sometimes consciously, sometimes subconsciously… yay!) on pushing myself outside my comfort zone and usual routine.

This marks the end of my ‘away from Brisbane’ little series – and I still have some serious images to post! Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my standard blog post is 6 images long. Lately, (cough – quite a lot!) I’ve been publishing 8 photos at a time… and this one is 9! In case you were wondering (I’m sure you weren’t) – I’ve posted a grand total of 382 ‘newbies’. I take way too many photos.

I’m not entirely sure where I’m heading with this series – some of them show a completely different business, a different time of day, a different paint colour… a different building! I guess I’m the one that sets the rules, so I can do whatever I want. It’s a little scary putting some of my really really old photos next to new ones – my style has changed in lots of different ways, and that is certainly obvious in some of them!

25/07/13 – 7:55am

19/07/14, 9:35am

…and here’s collection #2! There’s something weirdly therapeutic about arranging images into groups (don’t ask, I’ve got no idea) – maybe it satisfies my not-so-inner OCD. These collections are purely from my 2014 images – I’m not going to even attempt to trawl through the mammoth amount from 2013, so we’re looking at the last 7 months instead. That’s enough, as you can clearly see! If you’ve been looking at my images for a while, you’ll know I’m a big lover of all things fire-prevention: fire escape doors, fire hose reels, hydrant boosters… you know the drill. Pun intended.

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